The majority of Barstool Sportsbook's users didn't know about the myChoice rewards program because it provided very niche value to a small percentage of players. In this project, I revamped the way users interfaced with their rewards, which created a new cross-sell opportunity for the company and increased app engagement across primary user groups.
Barstool Sportsbook & Casino is a gambling app with two main parts: the Sportsbook is where users can place bets on the outcomes of real-time sporting events, and the Casino offers a large collection of digital slots and table games. While the majority of the app's users exclusively stay within the Sportsbook, the Casino is more profitable for the company.
myChoice is Barstool Casino's rewards program that originated in their brick and mortar casinos. By playing games, users would earn myCash which could be redeemed for prizes (i.e. branded dinner plates, hats, and other merchandise). Once the Barstool Sportsbook & Casino app launched, however, the majority of users were unaware of the program's existence. Moreover, they had little interest in the myCash prizes. We saw this as a great cross-selling opportunity to revamp the rewards program and increase user engagement across both sides of the app.
Here's what we discovered from user research:
Based on the information above, the goals of this project were to:
At this point I mapped out the necessary user flows for myCash conversion and placing bets using myCash.
myCash conversion flow
Placing a bet with myCash flow
I also built a component library for both flows that included all the different states and combinations of UI elements.
The final screens feature flows that allow users to place Sportsbook bets with their accrued myCash. If they have myCash that needs to be converted, they can do so within the bet-placing flow or from the account settings page. Keep in mind that the majority of these screens are designed to be in a drawer overlay.
Here is an interactive prototype demonstrating how placing a bet with myCash might work with myCash conversion.
After shipping these designs, we received overwhelmingly positive user feedback. Users loved the ability to place bets using their myCash, and expressed that it was a huge incentive to play in both the Sportsbook and Casino. They also felt that the betting and conversion experience was smooth and intuitive. By repurposing the usage of myCash, we were able to create new user value and increase engagement across the app for all primary user groups.
I felt that the bonus fund allocation process could be simplified if we operated on the assumption that users wanted their myCash to be depleted before real cash. While this was something I tried to push for, it was a constraint I had to accept because the company wanted to account for edge cases surrounding promotion eligibility. The bet-placing process could also be simplified if myCash could directly be drawn from the user's account balance, but we were restricted by our dependencies on certain third party providers. If both these changes were to be implemented, I think the myChoice loyalty program would be even more successful.